The Real Aruba Truth

A blog dedicated to the destruction of Aruba vacations, tourism, hotels, and attractions, resorts, and cruises to Aruba until Natalee Ann Holloway is found, alive or dead. Period. Aruba is a Third World rathole, not a safe, happy island. and The Official Tourism Website of Aruba LIES. The island is a haven for drug and human trafficking. Americans - your daughter might be next!

Location: Texas, United States

31 years old, single w/ no kids. 1996 graduate of Texas A&M University with a degree in Recreation, Park, and Tourism Sciences. Currently working for a civil engineering firm specializing in municipal recreation facilities and master planning. Born-again Christian.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Get a Clue, Aruba!

It is just as amazing to me that people who don't have any real knowledge of this case (such as people halfway across the world or some no-name radio talk show host in California) make posts accusing Americans of being arrogant or daring to hold a foriegn people accountable for the petty, corrupt government that they allow to be in power and re-elected themselves. They accuse the U.S. of being arrogant because we expect something from Aruba that is well within anyone's rights as the family of a crime victim and well within Aruba's ability to provide...and things that our own justice system does its very best to provide.

I say to you- between 70% and 75% of Aruba's tourism comes from the U.S. (reports vary), and as such we do have the right to expect a lot from Aruba and we do have the right to question them until they find Natalee. Nobody has yet to explain why we owe the Arubans anything at all. Go ahead- someone explain that to me; I would like to hear it. Even Walter admits that we Americans have no obligation to Aruba here. We don't- there are many other Caribbean destinations just as nice as Aruba and maybe even safer and less corrupt- even the claim that Aruba is outside of the hurricane corridor is a minor advantage. The U.S. has its share of hurricanes too and they really don't scare people too much- just ask all the people who didn't evacuate New Orleans because they didn't feel the need. The DEA listening posts? There's plenty of Caribbean and even South American countries that would gladly host them instead if the right carrot is dangled in front of them. The oil? Most of American demands come from the Middle East, not from South America. We don't need the Valero refinery.

In short, America does not owe Aruba anything, and like it or not, we do have the right to with hold our business if we don't think Aruba is doing a good job. And we don't think that at all. Nationwide, most Americans support the boycott, most Americans believe there is a cover-up in Aruba, and most (69%) don't believe a damn word of what Joran says (incidentally another 23% think he's lying to some degree. That means that 92% of Americans don't fully trust the van der Sloots if at all).

Here's another thing that occurs to me: people who accuse the U.S. of lording over Aruba just because things aren't going our way probably don't know about (or like the Arubans themselves don't want to admit to) all the very questionable things that ALE has done since Natalee disappeared. Or do Americans somehow not have the right to question these things as well? On what grounds do we not have this right? Funny how the people who accuse America of being arrogant are pretty arrogant themselves for expecting us not look long and hard at Aruba, to just take everything they say and do as truthful and honest after months of them proving themselves utterly incapable of truth or competence. You can't stop us from questioning that, not short of proving these allegations are untrue. Some of the allegations that are leveled at Aruba Walter has corrected me on, but what he doesn't understand is that even issues like who said what and what happened to evidence and signed statements is a matter of opinion because Aruba has failed to convince Americans we're wrong! Until these issues are honestly addressed, it is just the family's word against Aruba's... it's a no-brainer to figure out who's winning that battle in the U.S.!

Let's look at some of these issues:

- two black security guards were arrested (and are still considered suspects) just because a priviledged little elitist Dutch boy last known to be with Natalee said to. Incidentally, minority rights groups are getting involved now on behalf of the security guards because of this blatant example of racism,

- selective involvement of the FBI- they have only been observers in the questioning of the three suspects, have only been able to analyze a few of the things ALE has found, and have been generally given access to the case only when it suits Aruba's PR machine. And by the way, let me uncover a few lies that Aruba has been perpetrating: first, there is nothing in Dutch or Aruban law that prevents the FBI from having much greater access- there is just no precedent for it. No precedence does not equal illegality. Basically, the FBI can have as much access as ALE and the government wants them to have. Second, there is no way that Beth and Dave can challenge the findings of the investigation or the judicial process, not through the Netherlands, not through Aruba, not through any treaty. When the Kalpoes' lawyer said they can appeal to the Hague he LIED. Just remember that when you question the need for a boycott, or why Beth felt this was necessary. I question why the suspects, their lawyers, the ALE, and Aruba's spin machine feels the need to lie and keep changing their stories. Arubans have no right to complain that America doesn't trust them or believe them with this kind of track record.

- failure to search the entire van der Sloot property, only Joran's apartment even though Joran had access to the whole property when Natalee disappeared. His lawyer claims the whole property was searched, but Gerold Dompig said on network TV in the U.S. that a warrant was obtained only for the apartment. So either the suspect's lawyer is lying, or a key ALE official is.
But I guess we Americans are just ignorant of how Dutch law works. I'm just a simple working man but searching the entire property even seems important to me!

- the FBI called the Aruban legal community 'incestuous' meaning that all prosecutors, investigators, judges, and lawyers know each other well (most of them are Dutch too). More than one person (including a Dutch woman living in London) tells me that the Dutch upper classes are elitist and stick up for each other above all else, and given these two facts how can any investigation in Aruba involving a Dutch suspect be impartial and fair without Netherlands supervision? The lack of oversight and accountability is eclipses any story of Deep South 'good ole boys' corruption I've ever heard!

-failure to interrogate all of Joran's friends (like Koen Gottenbos, who has access to his father's 22-foot speedboat) until long after Natalee disappeared if at all,

-failure to search all of the properties of all of the suspects (such as Lorenzo van der Sloot van Rijn's Barcadera ranch house, which we know now is a drug lab thanks to PIs),

-(conveniently) failing to obtain search warrants for the entire van der Sloot property, the Kalpoes' car, and several of their friends' vehicles in a timely manner if at all because there was not enough evidence to convince a judge this was necessary. Funny how my Aruban friend 'Natalia' tells me that had the judge been Aruban and not Dutch those outcomes would have been much different. What kind of moron lets the main suspect go just because he wants to go to college?! What kind of idiot doesn't issue a search warrant for the entire property- is there no probable cause in Dutch law? Of course even the most honest judge would have no choice but to let Joran go if the evidence presented toward this was deliberately botched, wouldn't he now?

- why is the Aruban government more concerned with hiring spin doctors like Steve Cohen and that idiot Ruben Trappenburg to lie to the American public and then their own people instead of doing productive things like hiring more investigators and enlisting Dutch agents to make sure the investigation is not being internally sabotaged even now as Americans fear? Do you think that Beth and Dave requested the removal of Karin Janssen, Dennis Jacobs, and Gerold Dompig just for kicks and giggles?

- why is ALE more focused on Natalee's 'physical and emotional state' that finding ways to rearrest the last three people known to be with her? The Arubans seem to think that a lack of evidence proves innocence, but it only proves there is a lack of evidence. Americans are asking why- is it because the three slimebags involved are as innocent as they claim or is it because they had a little help from their daddy's friends in ALE? Why do the Aruban police murmur about the dirty things they know about Beth and Natalee, even though these things are not a bit more credible than our own suspicions about Aruba? As I udnerstand it, blaming the victim is a common sign of guilt in the mind of the guilty. Those who have nothing to hide have nothing to fear...Arubans, are you afraid?

-Why is supposedly valuable evidence like the Holiday Inn tapes showing Joran and Natalee at the tables released to the news media when doing so voids its use in a Dutch court of law? Again, how convenient is that to Joran? Does ALE have no control over its own people, even? Why isn't ALE investigating this leak immediately...I would think that if they had any real interest in solving this disappearance they would make damn sure things like this don't happen. But I guess that is just another honest 'mistake'...

- Speaking of ALE, why were officers known to be friends of the van der Sloots (like Jan van der Straaten) even allowed to be in charge when there is no possible way they could be trusted with impartiality? Why are officers known to be corrupt and known to have solicited bribes from the Twittys (like Dennis Jacobs) still on the case and still not under investigation themselves? Why does Oduber want to wait until the case is closed and everyone's asses are covered before investigating the investigation itself?

-why is it that every time an Aruban governmental official like Rudy Croes or Nelson Oduber opens their mouths they say things like, "I'm sick and tired of hearing about this" or even worse, threatening to ban Beth from Aruba and arresting her if she comes back (as Rudy Croes did)? That doesn't seem to indicate to me that the Aruban government gives a damn about Natalee, her family, or America's opinion or our business. Why should we Americans keep pouring our money into Aruba if that is how they really feel and how they keep acting? People accuse Beth of being after fame or money but you know what? It has never been about Natalee to the ALE or the Aruban government or the ATA and has always been about the money.

In closing, I am going to present a few of the truths that Aruba faces; like it or not, Aruba, this is how it is right now. Only fully transparent, unquestionable, provable actions (and when I say provable I mean provable to Americans' satisfaction) and results will change any of this now:

1. It doesn't matter what the truth about Aruba or Natalee's disappearance is, what matters is what American think is the truth. Right now, what Americans think is true about Aruba is not good at all...
2. You can and will be held accountable for this in the U.S. No amount of pointing fingers at our own crime rates, protesting about how 'Dutch law is different', accusing the U.S. media of being unfair or blowing this out of proportion, or accusing the U.S. of being arrogant in demanding more that Aruba has provided will sway us. You cannot stop America from questioning everything your investigation does now...the ALE and your governmental politics betrayed our trust long, long ago.
3. As the providers of at least 70% of your economy, we have every right to spend our money elsewhere if we're not happy. We do not owe Aruba short, you need us far more than we need you. That is not arrogance, that is just the way things are.
4. If any of the assertions I made above are incorrect, prove to us that they are. Every question that remains in Americans' minds, every mistake, broken promise, questionable action, missing piece of evidence, and excuse Aruba makes puts a huge question mark in our minds. The burden of proof might be very heavy on the prosecution in the Dutch system, but in popular opinion the burden of proof is squarely on the accused. As long as questions exist and as long as your government and ALE do not fully explain those occurrences, Americans will doubt you and distrust you. Remember that.
5. There is nothing to prevent Beth, Dave, Joe Mammana, or anyone else dedicated to finding Natalee from smearing Aruba's reputation to the end of their days, justified or not. Walter has admitted to me that Aruba just hopes this will go away in a year or two, but you fail to realize that Beth talks about how unsafe and predator-ridden Aruba is at every school campus she visits as part of her 'Save Yourself' safety campaign. Dave's book (which incidentally calls Aruba corrupt in the title) will be on bookshelves for a long, long time to come. There is no effective time frame on how long Americans will doubt, distrust, and even hate Aruba for failing to find natalee and unduly prolonging her family's suffering.
6. Until you demand more immediate and constant accountability and oversight in this investigation and full FBI inclusion, you have no cause to complain about the 'bad rap' Aruba is getting now. It takes a long time to build a reputation but an instant to destroy it huh? If you truly want the business and goodwill of the U.S. again, then you have to earn it all over again. Like it or not, you have no choice but to find Natalee...if you cannot or will not, then you have no right to complain about this oh-so-unfair treatment.
7. Finally, the Aruban people are not at fault here...the one protest Arubans have that is legitimate is that the three suspects are not even Aruban! The Dutch system of control and their lack of oversight and accountability toward Aruba and especially its cozy, corrupt government is the problem! Aruba, why do you accept and coddle these people who are ultimately allowing all of this to happen? It is time to take a long, hard look at how happy you are under the MEP's and the Netherland's thumb, how confident you are that your government and ALE is not corrupt and elitist, how equitable your society really is between the Dutch and native Arubans, and how badly you want your reputation back. If you cannot do these things, then you have no right to complain about how America views you.

I'm sorry if you don't like to hear these things, but they are the conditions you face now, thanks to months of disappointing us again and again ad nauseum. No arguement that Aruba or the Netherlands or anyone that just plain hates America can change the harsh realities of the situation. Beth, Dave, and Natalee deserve better than this, and so do the Aruban people.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mother Mary said...
That's right, Dan. No innocent black person has ever been arrested for a crime in the good old USA.

10:17 AM

My reaction to this post was:
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Thanks for making me laugh today mother mary (is that a wish or are you really a virgin?)

10:25 AM  
Blogger Dan in Tx said...

Nor does the U.S.A. deny our past or that we're not perfect. Aruba, however, seems to have a problem accepting what the light of day reveals.

And anyway, all the insults in the world won't change the simple fact that what I've posted is the truth as far as the vast majority of Americans see this. If you don't like it, too bad.

4:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aruba is a wonderful place to vacation...
Especially, if it is the last time you would
like to see your children ALIVE.


Please, consider the Aruba B*yc*tt seriously
when making your travel plans or web purchases.
All I ask is that you consider it carefully.
Whatever you decide, I thank you for your time
and consideration. Help find justice for
N@t@lee. (NH)


A message for:
Jor@n, P@ulus, Deep@k, and S@tish..

You are being stalked, stalked by a relentless killer! The
killer's name is 'TRUTH.' It does not need breaks, it needs
very little sleep, and I want you all to know that it is
coming for you. Just as surely as water can cut through
rocks by cumulative attrition over time, this
same type of process will eventually be the end
of each one of you.

The capacity to lie has also been claimed to be possessed by non-humans in language studies with Great Apes. One famous case was that of Koko the Gorilla; confronted by her handlers after a tantrum in which she had torn a steel sink out of its moorings, she signed in American Sign Language, "cat did it," pointing at her tiny kitten. It is unclear if this was a joke or a genuine attempt at blaming her tiny pet.

Joran, I would believe 'KoKo' the gorilla before I would believe you.

“Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either.”
Albert Einstein

9:36 PM  
Blogger Dan in Tx said...


It takes about 10 seconds for me to delete a comment.

Just so y'all know.

5:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Must make you feel big and powerful to delete anything not posted by one of your fellow small minded geeks. Have fun popping your pimples with your dungeons and dragons buddies while cool people are partying in Aruba.

7:35 PM  
Blogger Dan in Tx said...

Feeeling big? Has nothing to do with that and everything to do with being a Texan.

To put it bluntly- and I'll t y p e r e a l s l o w so you can understand: I'm under no obligation to put up with your shit, plain and simple. My blog, my rules. You don't like it, go f**k yourself. You Arubans ought to be used to being censored by now- you live under a dictatorship, after all.

But hey, I shouldn't expect you to understand that since I get the feeling you're just one of Joran's spoiled little Dutch friends. Not used to being told you can't have it your way huh? What are you, like, 16? The best insult you can come up with is 'pimply'?

Oh yeah, and for the record right now I'm hooked on World of Warcraft and Age of Empires III (where I make sure every scenario features the Dutch as my main opponents), not D&D. Wait a minute...if you're such a cool guy how do you even know about that game!

6:49 AM  
Blogger Dan in Tx said...

Folks, I can do this all day.

Trust me on this, you will not beat me in a battle of wills.

10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea, Joran you said there was a little ____ (rain) and there was strong wind, and so you said Natalee wanted you to watch stars in the sky (not the sharks though). So cloudy and overcast night sky with stars shining huh? You damned pathological liar, you keeps saying Natalee say this or that, you making up all these god dammned beach stories and none of them exists. The strong Easterly wind was blowing the seawater around the island and pushing the high tide seawater up and over the beach, and you said there were people over at Marriot Hotel beach. Were those people surfing the tide water at night? And I don't think Natalee would that stupid sleeping with you in the sea water on the beach that night. Or are you going to lie about Natalee got drowned in the tide seawater in your next Larry King
Interview. Go to hell, Joran, you SOB!

7:23 AM  
Blogger Dan in Tx said...

I like THIS Anonymous!

Such a great mixture of common sense and vitriol! Keep it up- only a moron would think joran is telling the truth at this point!

Or an Aruban Dutch...though I'm not sure there's much of a distinctin between the two now...

11:34 AM  
Blogger Dan in Tx said...

Like I said, you guys will NOT win a battle of wills with me. A battle of wits, maybe...

All I can say is, if this article has you all so torqued, you are REALLY not going to like what I post next...let's just say it involves some very interesting articles about what 'goods' move through Aruba and what 'services' are offered beyond tourism.
Aruba can claim it is 'one safe, happy island' but Aruba cannot hide from its past.

9:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Puppies have a big bark behind a computer. Wish you were here.
Stop being rediculous and get a life

7:28 AM  
Blogger Dan in Tx said...

I agree with you 100%, Fido.

But hey, keep it up by all means. Keep showing Americans how Arubans really feel about Natalee's disappearance. Keep doing your tiny part to turn people more against Aruba and people who support Aruba.

Thanks, you're doing a lot of my job for me.

8:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yee Haw, danny. Let's go bully someone.

3:37 PM  
Blogger Dan in Tx said...

Wow...I'm a bully? You mean one guy behind a computer is bullying an island of 100,000 people from a few thousand miles away?

Talk about insecure.

6:19 AM  
Blogger Dan in Tx said...

Trio Get 6 Years for Taped Sex Assault

By GILLIAN FLACCUS, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 3 minutes ago

SANTA ANA, Calif. - The son of a former Orange County assistant sheriff and two friends were each sentenced Friday to six years in prison for the videotaped sexual assault of an unconscious teenage girl.

The sentences came after the victim told the judge she had been violated "in every way possible" and urged the maximum penalty so her attackers could feel the same pain she did.
Now 20, she choked back tears as she described viewing the taped assault so she could testify against the men effectively. The video, which has not been made public, shows the nude victim being sexually assaulted on a pool table, prosecutors said.
"When did I become a piece of meat? How can anything human do the things that they did? They did things not even a savage animal would do," the victim said.

Defense attorneys argued at trial that the girl was a willing participant in a "weekend sexcapade" and was faking unconsciousness because she wanted to be a porn star.

The first trial of the defendants ended in deadlock in June 2004. A second jury convicted the three defendants last March of a total of 15 felony counts of sexual assault. They were acquitted on other charges, including rape.
"I look at each defendant as being equally culpable," Judge Francisco Briseno said Friday. "This was with one intent, and that intent was to degrade the victim."
Gregory Haidl, 20, the son of millionaire and former Assistant Sheriff Don Haidl, apologized to the victim during the hearing.
"It was never my intention to hurt you and cause you pain," said Haidl, who taped the July 2002 assault at his father's home. "I can't take back any negative feelings and emotions, and I'm sorry for that also."
Kyle Nachreiner, 21, told the court he accepted responsibility for his "repugnant" actions, while Keith Spann, 21, declined to make a statement but sobbed openly as his mother pleaded with the judge for leniency.
Assistant District Attorney Chuck Middleton the terms were sufficient to "send a message to these three men, and if they're smart they'll come out of prison and lead a respectful life."
The victim told prosecutors she was pleased with the prison terms. She has filed a $26 million lawsuit against the defendants, Haidl's parents and others.
(end article)

You see, Aruba, in the U.S. it doesn't matter who your daddy is or how much money he has- one way or another justice is served. Its not hard to do, really- just requires a justice system that actually works and somebody with the power and ability to make sure police ofrces aren't corrupt.

7:38 AM  
Blogger Help find Natalee said...

Dan, I love it! You are one great writer! I couldn't have spoken any better. The CORRUPT POLIC need to get a freakin life and do their freakin job!!!!! And what this with hiring another US team to do the rest of the search when TES already knows everything thats been done? Is Aruba Government Spinning again? I do think so!!!! for somemore TRUTH!

4:56 PM  
Blogger Dan in Tx said...

I had an interesting conversation with Michelle over at Michelle Says So! about this. She was upset about the trolls attacking her and I asked her why she puts up with it. She said she wanted to give people an outlet to respond, good or bad. I told her that I reserve the right to delete anything that doesn't bring anything to the table, since this blog is for Natalee and her family and justice, not for trolls or for freedom of speech.

No author, as good or bad as he or she is, has any obligation to respond to their critics.

3:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

True, Dan, an author needn't respond to his critics. It does, however, make his points moot and seem indefensible if he hasn't the courage to withstand the criticisms of others

4:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys are outrageous!! Who is this gorilla guy anyway? You guys are more alike than you realize; it's probably why you fight so much!!

3:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's ridiculous that you keep insulting Dan in tx,and making fun of his choices. My husband was also a virgin and christian when we were married. While he may be no Robert Redford, I understand that I am lucky to have such a good man. Some women may need great sex, but I am not one of them..

8:21 AM  
Blogger Dan in Tx said...

I noticed that the trolls stepped up their attacks tremendously immediately after the 'Get a Clue, Aruba' post. Shooting the messenger, eh Aruba? Hey it is not my fault that is how it is and the reason things are so screwed up is because YOU let them become that way. Once the Aruban people realize that their law enforcement answers to the Dutch elite and not to them, the sooner they realize that the Netherlands has absolutely no interest in what is best for Aruba, and the sooner they realize that their island is most likely permanently tarnished now, the sooner this can be resolved. You know, I sure would like to see demographics of who posts on here- I bet every last troll who posts here is Dutch, wealthy, and white as wind-driven snow.

Don't get mad at me, Aruba. The Refugees can't help you now- I'm still waiting for this site to be labeled as a 'hate site' and taken down. Of course, I haven't violated any of Blogspot's policies so...tough luck. And just in case there's any confusion- Google doesn't have any say in what constitutes a 'hate site'- only the Federal government does. I wouldn't expect people who have no freedom of free speech to understand the full extents of our freedom of speech.

Do you guys want to really do some good for your homeland and yourselves? Here's a suggestion: stage some protests. Burn some Oduber, van der Sloot, and Kalpos effigies. Go to the FBI and tell what you know- not the corrupt ALE, not Uncle Jossy, not the U.S. media.
You've been whining and crying about how the people who caused this aren't even Aruban- so why do you still tolerate them among you?

I am beginning to think that Gene at is right when he says "There are none as blind as those who WILL NOT see"

10:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loved your post DAN...loved it. !!


12:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Why do you tolerate them among you"???

Are you that stupid? Aren't you from the great melting pot of the world? Do Americans get to run off anyone they suspect of a crime? That's assine, but completely predictable. Boo on you, bully-wiener.

2:42 PM  
Blogger Dan in Tx said...

Hey the truth is the main suspects aren't even Aruban, and the Aruban government (run byu the Dutch) and the ALE (also run by the Dutch) are responsible for dragging this ordeal out this long. Oh if they had only done the right thing so long ago instead of letting 'mistakes' to be made!

6:06 PM  
Blogger Dan in Tx said...

For the Arubans who try to compare Aruba to the U.S. when it comes to drug interdiction and crime rates...some facts for you.

Aruba has 68.5 kilometers of coastline (about 43 miles). It has an area of 193 square kilometers (75 square miles).

The U.S. has 5,000 miles of coastline AND 2,000 miles of land border with Mexico alone! As far as area goes, well- my place of residence in Brazos County, Texas is TWICE as large as Aruba alone!

It is idiotic to try to compare crime rates in Aruba to those in the U.S. Not only is it like comparing apples to oranges, but it totally ignores the real issue: not what happened to Natalee, but rather how terribly, suspiciously, and with tuter disregard to her family's pain and America's wishes Aruba has treated the investigation into her disappearance.

Hold on, hold on...let me try this again. THE ISSUE WE HAVE WITH ARUBA IS NOT THE ACTUAL CRIME THAT NATALEE ANN HOLLOWAY SUFFERED, BUT HOW JUSTICE HAS BEEN MISCARRIED BY EVERY MOVE THE ALE HAS MADE TO DATE. Not what happened, but the fact that, a year later, ALE is at the exact same point. That is utterly inexcusable.

The one thing that makes Arubans angrier than anything else is the suggestion that they ARE beholden to the U.S. because we almost singlehandedly put food in their mouths. Soveriegn nation or not, we have a say in what Aruba does. Why should we Americans have any loyalty to Aruba if they cannot manage to solve the disappearance of one single American citizen?

I hear Barbados is very nice this time of year...

12:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gray Whisperer - You need to tell me something about this FREDDY person you previously mentioned.Is this the "Freddy" we know of videographer fame who is Joran's best friend, or is this in reference to Mr. Deeb of the "Texas Hold 'Em" fame in both Aruba and in the states.TX.

8:49 PM  

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