The Real Aruba Truth

A blog dedicated to the destruction of Aruba vacations, tourism, hotels, and attractions, resorts, and cruises to Aruba until Natalee Ann Holloway is found, alive or dead. Period. Aruba is a Third World rathole, not a safe, happy island. and The Official Tourism Website of Aruba LIES. The island is a haven for drug and human trafficking. Americans - your daughter might be next!

Location: Texas, United States

31 years old, single w/ no kids. 1996 graduate of Texas A&M University with a degree in Recreation, Park, and Tourism Sciences. Currently working for a civil engineering firm specializing in municipal recreation facilities and master planning. Born-again Christian.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Translated into English, that roughly means, "Poor baby". I am referring to the van der Sloot parents' (using the term 'parent' loosely) performance on Good Morning America this past week. Tom over at makes some good points when he says:

1. Aruba can't blame Beth and Dave and Greta and Nancy for keeping the investigation in the public eye now, can it? By the way, Paulus, how much did GMA pay you to appear? Was it enough to pay a lawyer, or a gambling debt?

2. Paulus, you're a liar and we've caught you in a lie more than once. You claimed on GMA that you never interfered with the investigation? Well...perhaps GMA forgot what Karin Janssen said about you:

"Well, the father has spoken with those three suspects and he said he gave them some legal advice but I think the advices were going further than that. They spoke about the situation that when there is no body, you don‘t have a case, and that was already in the first day after the disappearance. And secondly, the father and the mother have asked a friend of Joran, the suspect—the minor suspect, to come to their home to tell them what he has explained to the police. And that is, well, I can say was an obstruction of the investigation."

Here's another lie we caught you in, Paulus. Did you pick up Joran at McDonald's at 11:30 or 4 am? Poor, demonized Paulus...he has a 4 and a half hour memory lapse and everyone accuses him of lying...poor, honest, hardworking Paulus. Pobrecito.

3. Beth did a lot of damage to your family? What have you and your ill-begotten sociopath of a son done to her and Dave? Do you think that claiming that you are innocent of obstrucion of justice and maybe more, that claiming Joran is innocent of murder or rape will make Americans think this is true? Aruba doesn't realize that claiming their police are competent and honest again and again ad nauseum won't sway our opinions, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised you think the same way. The burden of proof in Dutch law might be heavy on the prosectution, but if people try and convict you and Joran in their own minds, well you can't do anything about that...anything but whore yourselves out to the media to pay Posner back I suppose. Or tell the truth once and for all. Such a hard decision to make for people like you...pobrecito.

4. Joran is not the same boy? Do you mean he knows now that if you hang around with lions you'll get bitten? Or do you mean that he knows enough now to be much more careful with his next victim? Poor innocent Joran...pobrecito.

5. GMA forgot to mention that innocent, trusting Joran changed his story at least three times; the first story was Natalee fell and hit her head on the rocks. Paulus coached him and the Kalpoes on what to say. Now if Joran is innocent of any wrongdoing, why did he lie? If what he said about that accident was truth, why did he lie about it? Accidents happen, after all...but nobody accidentally kidnaps, rapes, or murders anyone. Those who have nothing to hide have nothing to why was Paulus sweating a river when Beth came to call?
Obviously, this family is as saintly as they sad that Paulus is called a liar, Joran is called a murderer, and Anita is called just plain clueless. Pobrecito.

6. And now the gallant, brave, and persecuted van der Sloots reach out to Beth, saying "I think that when she wants to talk, we will talk. But, of course, she has to explain something. I think she has done a lot of damage to Joran and our family." Do you have any idea how nauseating that comment makes Americans? Of course not, because you and Joran never did anything wrong...never your fault, always someone else's fault...a classic sign of sociopathic behavior, incidentally. Tell you what, Paulus: if you're so upset at Beth for this, why not settle this in civil court? Oh but wait, you can't because Aruba has no way to force Beth to come to the trial or even honor a settlement in Aruba. And if you come to the U.S. to file a binding lawsuit, then you and Joran will have to answer some pretty tough questions under the U.S., where lying to the police is lying to the police, no excuses. So I guess your family has no choice but to endure this horrible, unfair slander huh? Pobrecito.

7. Paulus, did you forget what you told Dave when he gave you the Bible and Purpose Driven Life? Wasn't it something like, "I'm sorry but I have to protect my son"? Protect him from what- owning up to his own actions, falling prey to people much more powerful and dangerous than a failed judge and his son, or protect him from an evil police force that wanted only to nail a prison sentence on him due to their 'tunnel vision' for a crime he didn't commit? Pobrecito!

8. I've been told that Aruba is actually beginning to support this poor, ostracized, persecuted family of do-gooders. Good for Aruba...the closer they get to the van der Sloots and Kalpoes the further they drive Americans away from their safe, happy island. One would hope that for once the Aruban people would make the right choice when they choose sides...but given they chose to support a flawed investigative system that allows people to lie to police, has no oversight or accountability, and has no plea bargaining, they choose to support a government run by a Prime Minister who thinks Natalee's disappearance is 'insignificant' and is 'sick and tired' of this debacle, and they chose to support a tourism association that hires moron after moron to say exactly the wrong things...well, Arubans have a bad track record of choosing the right side. Do not worry about the mote in America's eye, Aruba...look to the beam in your own eye first. Pobrecitos.

Needless to say, the letters of protest for allowing these people on TV without even allowing Beth and Dave equal time for rebuttal are pouring into Good Morning America already. Mine is floating around cyberspace right now, in fact. But every one of GMA's sponsors that my partner 'Monroe' could find are also getting that same letter.

Ben Sherwood, producer of Good Morning America

Good Morning America: or their message board at

And here's the most notable of GMA's sponsors. I'm sure they would love to hear from us as well, both the many many Americans that compose the majority of not all of their customers and Arubans who most likely do not contribute nearly as much to their profits:

Hallmark Cards
(click on the link)

Kellogg's cereals

Walt Disney World

Bassett Furniture

Sylvan Learning Center (corporate website)

American Express
(click the 'Contact Us' link near the Search feature)


State Farm Insurance

Kay Jewelers
(click the 'Customer Service' link, then 'contact customer service')

Campbell's Soup

Ford Motor Co. (Ford Lincoln Mercury) (note that Mercury was the actual brand advertised but Ford is Mercury's parent company),,TRAVELOCITY,00.html

Outback Steakhouse

No I am not advocating a boycott of these good non-Aruban, non-Dutch companies. But by all means do let them know how we feel about the program they choose to give their advertising money to giving the van der Sloots airtime without equal airtime for Beth and Dave!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan, just a few remarks....

Translated into English, that roughly means, "Poor baby". I am referring to the van der Sloot parents' (using the term 'parent' loosely) performance on Good Morning America this past week. Tom over at makes some good points when he says:

1. Aruba can't blame Beth and Dave and Greta and Nancy for keeping the investigation in the public eye now, can it? By the way, Paulus, how much did GMA pay you to appear? Was it enough to pay a lawyer, or a gambling debt?

Beth appears on some tv show nearly every night. This is Paul and Anita van der Sloot's 2nd interview in 8 months....I don't think they and GMA have anything to be ashamed of! By the way, GMA do not pay for interviews and what makes you think Paul is in debt? Have you got any proof of that (other than someone's word...)?

2. Paulus, you're a liar and we've caught you in a lie more than once. You claimed on GMA that you never interfered with the investigation? Well...perhaps GMA forgot what Karin Janssen said about you:

"Well, the father has spoken with those three suspects and he said he gave them some legal advice but I think the advices were going further than that. They spoke about the situation that when there is no body, you don‘t have a case, and that was already in the first day after the disappearance. And secondly, the father and the mother have asked a friend of Joran, the suspect—the minor suspect, to come to their home to tell them what he has explained to the police. And that is, well, I can say was an obstruction of the investigation."

Here's another lie we caught you in, Paulus. Did you pick up Joran at McDonald's at 11:30 or 4 am? Poor, demonized Paulus...he has a 4 and a half hour memory lapse and everyone accuses him of lying...poor, honest, hardworking Paulus. Pobrecito.

Because Karin Janssen says that's what he said doesn't make it true! In fact, that is hearsay and not admissable in a court of law....

Beth has told many lies herself. Why don't you have a look at those...

Here's one example:
Greta 2/6/06
Beth says that Paul is a different man than the one she had to pull out of the bushes like an animal in june...

She stayed in the car! All this is on video...Why didn't Greta say something! Geez, if this is not a lie....!!!

3. Beth did a lot of damage to your family? What have you and your ill-begotten sociopath of a son done to her and Dave? Do you think that claiming that you are innocent of obstrucion of justice and maybe more, that claiming Joran is innocent of murder or rape will make Americans think this is true? Aruba doesn't realize that claiming their police are competent and honest again and again ad nauseum won't sway our opinions, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised you think the same way. The burden of proof in Dutch law might be heavy on the prosectution, but if people try and convict you and Joran in their own minds, well you can't do anything about that...anything but whore yourselves out to the media to pay Posner back I suppose. Or tell the truth once and for all. Such a hard decision to make for people like you...pobrecito.

Beth did do a lot of damage to an innocent family. She has NO proof of any crime having been committed(murder, rape, etc), yet she keeps calling them rapists, murderers, etc. Nearly every night she is on tv calling them names and telling lies. That would damage the reputation of any decent family!

4. Joran is not the same boy? Do you mean he knows now that if you hang around with lions you'll get bitten? Or do you mean that he knows enough now to be much more careful with his next victim? Poor innocent Joran...pobrecito.

Not worth a reply...

5. GMA forgot to mention that innocent, trusting Joran changed his story at least three times; the first story was Natalee fell and hit her head on the rocks. Paulus coached him and the Kalpoes on what to say. Now if Joran is innocent of any wrongdoing, why did he lie? If what he said about that accident was truth, why did he lie about it? Accidents happen, after all...but nobody accidentally kidnaps, rapes, or murders anyone. Those who have nothing to hide have nothing to why was Paulus sweating a river when Beth came to call?
Obviously, this family is as saintly as they sad that Paulus is called a liar, Joran is called a murderer, and Anita is called just plain clueless. Pobrecito.

Since when is sweating a crime? He didn't sweat during the interview? Does that mean he's hiding something because anyone would sweat under hot lights in front of a camera...Please!

Unless you know more than any journalist trying to cover this case, you have NO proof of any statements that Joran has or has not made and so neither would GMA have those. Beth doesn't either, although she claims she does (another lie...). The Aruban procecution and LE would never give such statements to the press or family until the case would come to trial.

By the way, you are using big words like kidnap, rape and murder without any credible evidence...

6. And now the gallant, brave, and persecuted van der Sloots reach out to Beth, saying "I think that when she wants to talk, we will talk. But, of course, she has to explain something. I think she has done a lot of damage to Joran and our family." Do you have any idea how nauseating that comment makes Americans? Of course not, because you and Joran never did anything wrong...never your fault, always someone else's fault...a classic sign of sociopathic behavior, incidentally. Tell you what, Paulus: if you're so upset at Beth for this, why not settle this in civil court? Oh but wait, you can't because Aruba has no way to force Beth to come to the trial or even honor a settlement in Aruba. And if you come to the U.S. to file a binding lawsuit, then you and Joran will have to answer some pretty tough questions under the U.S., where lying to the police is lying to the police, no excuses. So I guess your family has no choice but to endure this horrible, unfair slander huh? Pobrecito.

Of course they can settle this in an Aruban court and Beth would have to pay the settlement. They can't force her to come to a court when she's not in the country, but that wouldn't stop the case from going ahead. It just means that next time she comes to Aruba she would be notified of the verdict upon entry and wouldn't be able to leave until she's paid up. Simple!

7. Paulus, did you forget what you told Dave when he gave you the Bible and Purpose Driven Life? Wasn't it something like, "I'm sorry but I have to protect my son"? Protect him from what- owning up to his own actions, falling prey to people much more powerful and dangerous than a failed judge and his son, or protect him from an evil police force that wanted only to nail a prison sentence on him due to their 'tunnel vision' for a crime he didn't commit? Pobrecito!


8. I've been told that Aruba is actually beginning to support this poor, ostracized, persecuted family of do-gooders. Good for Aruba...the closer they get to the van der Sloots and Kalpoes the further they drive Americans away from their safe, happy island. One would hope that for once the Aruban people would make the right choice when they choose sides...but given they chose to support a flawed investigative system that allows people to lie to police, has no oversight or accountability, and has no plea bargaining, they choose to support a government run by a Prime Minister who thinks Natalee's disappearance is 'insignificant' and is 'sick and tired' of this debacle, and they chose to support a tourism association that hires moron after moron to say exactly the wrong things...well, Arubans have a bad track record of choosing the right side. Do not worry about the mote in America's eye, Aruba...look to the beam in your own eye first. Pobrecitos.

Needless to say, the letters of protest for allowing these people on TV without even allowing Beth and Dave equal time for rebuttal are pouring into Good Morning America already. Mine is floating around cyberspace right now, in fact. But every one of GMA's sponsors that my partner 'Monroe' could find are also getting that same letter.

They should have my letter by now (and those of many others) praising them for having the guts to show the other side of this story. Beth has had plenty of airtime to tell hers, now it's their turn! Well done GMA!!!

Good Morning America: or their message board at

And here's the most notable of GMA's sponsors. I'm sure they would love to hear from us as well, both the many many Americans that compose the majority of not all of their customers and Arubans who most likely do not contribute nearly as much to their profits:

Hallmark Cards
(click on the link)

Kellogg's cereals

Walt Disney World

Bassett Furniture

Sylvan Learning Center (corporate website)

American Express
(click the 'Contact Us' link near the Search feature)


State Farm Insurance

Kay Jewelers
(click the 'Customer Service' link, then 'contact customer service')

Campbell's Soup

Ford Motor Co. (Ford Lincoln Mercury) (note that Mercury was the actual brand advertised but Ford is Mercury's parent company),,TRAVELOCITY,00.html

Outback Steakhouse

No I am not advocating a boycott of these good non-Aruban, non-Dutch companies. But by all means do let them know how we feel about the program they choose to give their advertising money to giving the van der Sloots airtime without equal airtime for Beth and Dave!

They've had theirs...I have not heard you complain about that! Hardly ever do we see someone from "the other side" on one of the shows Beth is on. So why would GMA have to give them time on their show?

posted by Dan in Tx at 4:42 PM on Feb 07 2006

5:53 AM  
Blogger Dan in Tx said...

Just a few observations:

- Who do you think has suffered more, the van der Sloots or the Twittys and Holloways? Krass I believe that you have some things in common with Beth and Dave, having been through something similar yourself? I'm surprised you choose to side the the van der Sloots.
- NOTHING will keep the public from judging the van der Sloots, innocent or not. That is something that nobody can stop, not as long as there is doubt. Look at O.J. Simpson- does anyone except maybe Kanye West think he is innocent, years later now?
- An Aruban court can fine Beth any amount of money for any charges they convict her of, but there is no way to force her to pay or even honor a court order as long as she is not in Netherlands territory. They can file a case against her in U.S. court that would be fully binding and she would have to honor, but that will never happen because the suspects are afraid of what will happen in cross-examination.
- I admit I am not certain Joran murdered fact, I am not even sure he raped her. But I am sure that he knows who she was last with and by not telling the full truth about this he is an accomplice at the very least (and Paulus is guilty of obstructing justice by coaching him). Does Joran know anyone who drives a white jeep?
- lack of evidence might mean Joran is innocent in a court of law, but that doesn't mean he really is innocent, especially given the 'mistakes' that were made and ALE's very questionable actions even now...

6:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Lets make some point clear:

1) I think that BOTH families are suffering. The difference is that Joran is alive & well, while NOBODY knows NOTHING of Natalee. So 1 point to BT and family. I would choose to have my kid in prison everyday, then to have him dissappeared.
2) I agree, NOTHING will keep the public from judging the van der Sloot family. BUT, nothing will keep the public from judging Beth neither. Like it or not, she has made so many appearences, and told so many different versions of the stories, she has promised so many times (almost as much as Nancy) that she had THE breakthrough evidence, she has called people raists and murderers, WITHOUT ANY SHRED OF EVIDENCE, you cannot blame people for starting to, at the least, doubt her, missing daughter or not. Don't forget, if it is true that Mrs Krass has gone throughthe same, how come she hasn't been on TV as much, or for that matter, any of th eother parents of the thousands of missing children each year in the US? She is liiterely killing the story softly with her song.(BY the way: I still say that OJ DID IT)
3) I agree with what you say about the court cases, except, I think the van der sloots and Kalpoes are waiting for the case to be closed. If the case is deemed closed, and no charges are being brought forth against any of them, that would also mean that they can use the same statements during cross examination in the US system. Don't forget also, if they start a case against BT for slander, SHE has to proof in court that her accusations of Rape and Murder are through. Good Luck with that.
4)Finally you start to see what I have been saying all along. Is Joran a murderer and/or Rapist? I don't know. Does he know more then he lets us believe? Hell yeah. Did Paul obstruct justice? Yes and No. Yes, he did give them advice, but did he give any advice another parent wouldn't give? I know I woul dtell my grandson to shut the hell up, and don't say a word. Sorry, but any parent who disagrees with that is LYING.
5) Total agreement as per your last part.

Walter in Aruba

8:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then how come Joran admitted to having sex with her coming in and out of consciousness? Isn't that rape? If you are a woman and you are not fully aware of your surroundings and you keep waking up and falling asleep does it mean I consent to you taking my clothes off and taking me?

(hey when I was hospitalized and I was being sedated to mitigate pain I was coming in and out of consciousness and having hallucinations). Even though I was in a safe environment and they were SAVING MY LIFE I still struggle with not really having memory of all of the events. With this I mean, c'mon, I know what I am talking about.

I believe that this is in one of the statements or he told someone this the same night she disappeared, I can't remember that.

I don't want the Twittys on GMA because they are getting enough airtime in cable networks and that is fine with me. I believe that this was not an interview but a statement from the family to become part of their evidence to support the compensation suit coming up. They just needed that. If they care what America thinks, I don't know but I don't really think so.

They have not been open from the very beginning and that has brought all this upon them.

11:35 AM  
Blogger Dan in Tx said...

You don't understand, Walter. The van der Sloots and Kalpoes will not EVER come to the U.S. to file a binding lawsuit. Imagine the questions they'll be asked under cross-examination and under oath:

Did you murder Natalee Holloway?
Did you rape her?
Did you turn her over to someone who did?
Who was the last person you know she was with?
How many times did you lie to the Aruban investigators?

Questions that, if they lie about under oath in the U.S., they can be charged with perjury and extradited back to the U.S. You see, there is no treaty between the Netherlands and the U.S. that enforces civil suits (such as slander) but there are treaties that allow extradition of felony charges (such as those who lie under oath in a U.S. court of law). The Kalpoes and van der Sloots don't dare file such a suit in the U.S.

Read what Karin janssen herself said about Paulus obstructing justice. Shall I quote her again?

""Well, the father has spoken with those three suspects and he said he gave them some legal advice but I think the advices were going further than that. They spoke about the situation that when there is no body, you don‘t have a case, and that was already in the first day after the disappearance. And secondly, the father and the mother have asked a friend of Joran, the suspect—the minor suspect, to come to their home to tell them what he has explained to the police. And that is, well, I can say was an obstruction of the investigation."

Janssen SAID this on air in front of God and everyone. Now Aruba is stooping to denying things were said that we can document as being said?! Well I guess so, considering how many times Aruba Steve has backpedaled and had to eat his own words.

It is like I've posted here before, Beth has access to resources and connections with people that most just don't have. How can you balme her for utilizing everything she can? Is it her fault that the Bradleys or mrskrass didn't have those same avenues? How petty to think so! It is ridiculous to expect Beth to not use anything at her disposal just because most people who have missing loved ones don't have those same resources! Please...that is just a stupid argument.

11:55 AM  
Blogger Dan in Tx said...

Face it: in America, the people who protest the loudest get their way more often than not. If so many Americans protest GMA's choise of guests, be they innocent or not, they will not be invited back. You seem to be getting spite mixed up with an exercise of my right to protest. You should be grateful that us Americans have that right- it is something I don't think the Arubans have despite what Walter says, because the Arubans just do not understand the scope and depth of free speech in America.

And you are mistaking a lack of evidence for proof of innocence. A lack of evidence is nothing more than just that- an inability to prove wrongdoing in a court of law. It is quite simply too damn bad if you or the van der Sloots or anyone else do not like being tried by public opinion...perhaps Paulus should have encouraged his son to do the right thing and tell the truth instead of hindering the investigation (remember, Janssen's words not mine). Perhaps Joran shouldn't have changed his story at least three times, maybe more. Perhaps ALE shouldn't have made 'mistakes' so crucial for the first 48 hours- if Joran is indeed innocent then perhaps the real culprits would be in custody now.

3:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A recent European film you might interesting: Memory of a Killer.

6:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Each time the Van der Sloots speak publicly, they enmire themselves deeper and deeper in a web of lies. It appears obvious that Joran is out of control, calling the shots, and making the decisions. It was JORAN's decision, against the advise of their lawyer, to go to NY for an interview. This family is in very deep trouble.

11:03 AM  

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