The Real Aruba Truth

A blog dedicated to the destruction of Aruba vacations, tourism, hotels, and attractions, resorts, and cruises to Aruba until Natalee Ann Holloway is found, alive or dead. Period. Aruba is a Third World rathole, not a safe, happy island. and The Official Tourism Website of Aruba LIES. The island is a haven for drug and human trafficking. Americans - your daughter might be next!

Location: Texas, United States

31 years old, single w/ no kids. 1996 graduate of Texas A&M University with a degree in Recreation, Park, and Tourism Sciences. Currently working for a civil engineering firm specializing in municipal recreation facilities and master planning. Born-again Christian.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Get a Clue, Aruba!

It is just as amazing to me that people who don't have any real knowledge of this case (such as people halfway across the world or some no-name radio talk show host in California) make posts accusing Americans of being arrogant or daring to hold a foriegn people accountable for the petty, corrupt government that they allow to be in power and re-elected themselves. They accuse the U.S. of being arrogant because we expect something from Aruba that is well within anyone's rights as the family of a crime victim and well within Aruba's ability to provide...and things that our own justice system does its very best to provide.

I say to you- between 70% and 75% of Aruba's tourism comes from the U.S. (reports vary), and as such we do have the right to expect a lot from Aruba and we do have the right to question them until they find Natalee. Nobody has yet to explain why we owe the Arubans anything at all. Go ahead- someone explain that to me; I would like to hear it. Even Walter admits that we Americans have no obligation to Aruba here. We don't- there are many other Caribbean destinations just as nice as Aruba and maybe even safer and less corrupt- even the claim that Aruba is outside of the hurricane corridor is a minor advantage. The U.S. has its share of hurricanes too and they really don't scare people too much- just ask all the people who didn't evacuate New Orleans because they didn't feel the need. The DEA listening posts? There's plenty of Caribbean and even South American countries that would gladly host them instead if the right carrot is dangled in front of them. The oil? Most of American demands come from the Middle East, not from South America. We don't need the Valero refinery.

In short, America does not owe Aruba anything, and like it or not, we do have the right to with hold our business if we don't think Aruba is doing a good job. And we don't think that at all. Nationwide, most Americans support the boycott, most Americans believe there is a cover-up in Aruba, and most (69%) don't believe a damn word of what Joran says (incidentally another 23% think he's lying to some degree. That means that 92% of Americans don't fully trust the van der Sloots if at all).

Here's another thing that occurs to me: people who accuse the U.S. of lording over Aruba just because things aren't going our way probably don't know about (or like the Arubans themselves don't want to admit to) all the very questionable things that ALE has done since Natalee disappeared. Or do Americans somehow not have the right to question these things as well? On what grounds do we not have this right? Funny how the people who accuse America of being arrogant are pretty arrogant themselves for expecting us not look long and hard at Aruba, to just take everything they say and do as truthful and honest after months of them proving themselves utterly incapable of truth or competence. You can't stop us from questioning that, not short of proving these allegations are untrue. Some of the allegations that are leveled at Aruba Walter has corrected me on, but what he doesn't understand is that even issues like who said what and what happened to evidence and signed statements is a matter of opinion because Aruba has failed to convince Americans we're wrong! Until these issues are honestly addressed, it is just the family's word against Aruba's... it's a no-brainer to figure out who's winning that battle in the U.S.!

Let's look at some of these issues:

- two black security guards were arrested (and are still considered suspects) just because a priviledged little elitist Dutch boy last known to be with Natalee said to. Incidentally, minority rights groups are getting involved now on behalf of the security guards because of this blatant example of racism,

- selective involvement of the FBI- they have only been observers in the questioning of the three suspects, have only been able to analyze a few of the things ALE has found, and have been generally given access to the case only when it suits Aruba's PR machine. And by the way, let me uncover a few lies that Aruba has been perpetrating: first, there is nothing in Dutch or Aruban law that prevents the FBI from having much greater access- there is just no precedent for it. No precedence does not equal illegality. Basically, the FBI can have as much access as ALE and the government wants them to have. Second, there is no way that Beth and Dave can challenge the findings of the investigation or the judicial process, not through the Netherlands, not through Aruba, not through any treaty. When the Kalpoes' lawyer said they can appeal to the Hague he LIED. Just remember that when you question the need for a boycott, or why Beth felt this was necessary. I question why the suspects, their lawyers, the ALE, and Aruba's spin machine feels the need to lie and keep changing their stories. Arubans have no right to complain that America doesn't trust them or believe them with this kind of track record.

- failure to search the entire van der Sloot property, only Joran's apartment even though Joran had access to the whole property when Natalee disappeared. His lawyer claims the whole property was searched, but Gerold Dompig said on network TV in the U.S. that a warrant was obtained only for the apartment. So either the suspect's lawyer is lying, or a key ALE official is.
But I guess we Americans are just ignorant of how Dutch law works. I'm just a simple working man but searching the entire property even seems important to me!

- the FBI called the Aruban legal community 'incestuous' meaning that all prosecutors, investigators, judges, and lawyers know each other well (most of them are Dutch too). More than one person (including a Dutch woman living in London) tells me that the Dutch upper classes are elitist and stick up for each other above all else, and given these two facts how can any investigation in Aruba involving a Dutch suspect be impartial and fair without Netherlands supervision? The lack of oversight and accountability is eclipses any story of Deep South 'good ole boys' corruption I've ever heard!

-failure to interrogate all of Joran's friends (like Koen Gottenbos, who has access to his father's 22-foot speedboat) until long after Natalee disappeared if at all,

-failure to search all of the properties of all of the suspects (such as Lorenzo van der Sloot van Rijn's Barcadera ranch house, which we know now is a drug lab thanks to PIs),

-(conveniently) failing to obtain search warrants for the entire van der Sloot property, the Kalpoes' car, and several of their friends' vehicles in a timely manner if at all because there was not enough evidence to convince a judge this was necessary. Funny how my Aruban friend 'Natalia' tells me that had the judge been Aruban and not Dutch those outcomes would have been much different. What kind of moron lets the main suspect go just because he wants to go to college?! What kind of idiot doesn't issue a search warrant for the entire property- is there no probable cause in Dutch law? Of course even the most honest judge would have no choice but to let Joran go if the evidence presented toward this was deliberately botched, wouldn't he now?

- why is the Aruban government more concerned with hiring spin doctors like Steve Cohen and that idiot Ruben Trappenburg to lie to the American public and then their own people instead of doing productive things like hiring more investigators and enlisting Dutch agents to make sure the investigation is not being internally sabotaged even now as Americans fear? Do you think that Beth and Dave requested the removal of Karin Janssen, Dennis Jacobs, and Gerold Dompig just for kicks and giggles?

- why is ALE more focused on Natalee's 'physical and emotional state' that finding ways to rearrest the last three people known to be with her? The Arubans seem to think that a lack of evidence proves innocence, but it only proves there is a lack of evidence. Americans are asking why- is it because the three slimebags involved are as innocent as they claim or is it because they had a little help from their daddy's friends in ALE? Why do the Aruban police murmur about the dirty things they know about Beth and Natalee, even though these things are not a bit more credible than our own suspicions about Aruba? As I udnerstand it, blaming the victim is a common sign of guilt in the mind of the guilty. Those who have nothing to hide have nothing to fear...Arubans, are you afraid?

-Why is supposedly valuable evidence like the Holiday Inn tapes showing Joran and Natalee at the tables released to the news media when doing so voids its use in a Dutch court of law? Again, how convenient is that to Joran? Does ALE have no control over its own people, even? Why isn't ALE investigating this leak immediately...I would think that if they had any real interest in solving this disappearance they would make damn sure things like this don't happen. But I guess that is just another honest 'mistake'...

- Speaking of ALE, why were officers known to be friends of the van der Sloots (like Jan van der Straaten) even allowed to be in charge when there is no possible way they could be trusted with impartiality? Why are officers known to be corrupt and known to have solicited bribes from the Twittys (like Dennis Jacobs) still on the case and still not under investigation themselves? Why does Oduber want to wait until the case is closed and everyone's asses are covered before investigating the investigation itself?

-why is it that every time an Aruban governmental official like Rudy Croes or Nelson Oduber opens their mouths they say things like, "I'm sick and tired of hearing about this" or even worse, threatening to ban Beth from Aruba and arresting her if she comes back (as Rudy Croes did)? That doesn't seem to indicate to me that the Aruban government gives a damn about Natalee, her family, or America's opinion or our business. Why should we Americans keep pouring our money into Aruba if that is how they really feel and how they keep acting? People accuse Beth of being after fame or money but you know what? It has never been about Natalee to the ALE or the Aruban government or the ATA and has always been about the money.

In closing, I am going to present a few of the truths that Aruba faces; like it or not, Aruba, this is how it is right now. Only fully transparent, unquestionable, provable actions (and when I say provable I mean provable to Americans' satisfaction) and results will change any of this now:

1. It doesn't matter what the truth about Aruba or Natalee's disappearance is, what matters is what American think is the truth. Right now, what Americans think is true about Aruba is not good at all...
2. You can and will be held accountable for this in the U.S. No amount of pointing fingers at our own crime rates, protesting about how 'Dutch law is different', accusing the U.S. media of being unfair or blowing this out of proportion, or accusing the U.S. of being arrogant in demanding more that Aruba has provided will sway us. You cannot stop America from questioning everything your investigation does now...the ALE and your governmental politics betrayed our trust long, long ago.
3. As the providers of at least 70% of your economy, we have every right to spend our money elsewhere if we're not happy. We do not owe Aruba short, you need us far more than we need you. That is not arrogance, that is just the way things are.
4. If any of the assertions I made above are incorrect, prove to us that they are. Every question that remains in Americans' minds, every mistake, broken promise, questionable action, missing piece of evidence, and excuse Aruba makes puts a huge question mark in our minds. The burden of proof might be very heavy on the prosecution in the Dutch system, but in popular opinion the burden of proof is squarely on the accused. As long as questions exist and as long as your government and ALE do not fully explain those occurrences, Americans will doubt you and distrust you. Remember that.
5. There is nothing to prevent Beth, Dave, Joe Mammana, or anyone else dedicated to finding Natalee from smearing Aruba's reputation to the end of their days, justified or not. Walter has admitted to me that Aruba just hopes this will go away in a year or two, but you fail to realize that Beth talks about how unsafe and predator-ridden Aruba is at every school campus she visits as part of her 'Save Yourself' safety campaign. Dave's book (which incidentally calls Aruba corrupt in the title) will be on bookshelves for a long, long time to come. There is no effective time frame on how long Americans will doubt, distrust, and even hate Aruba for failing to find natalee and unduly prolonging her family's suffering.
6. Until you demand more immediate and constant accountability and oversight in this investigation and full FBI inclusion, you have no cause to complain about the 'bad rap' Aruba is getting now. It takes a long time to build a reputation but an instant to destroy it huh? If you truly want the business and goodwill of the U.S. again, then you have to earn it all over again. Like it or not, you have no choice but to find Natalee...if you cannot or will not, then you have no right to complain about this oh-so-unfair treatment.
7. Finally, the Aruban people are not at fault here...the one protest Arubans have that is legitimate is that the three suspects are not even Aruban! The Dutch system of control and their lack of oversight and accountability toward Aruba and especially its cozy, corrupt government is the problem! Aruba, why do you accept and coddle these people who are ultimately allowing all of this to happen? It is time to take a long, hard look at how happy you are under the MEP's and the Netherland's thumb, how confident you are that your government and ALE is not corrupt and elitist, how equitable your society really is between the Dutch and native Arubans, and how badly you want your reputation back. If you cannot do these things, then you have no right to complain about how America views you.

I'm sorry if you don't like to hear these things, but they are the conditions you face now, thanks to months of disappointing us again and again ad nauseum. No arguement that Aruba or the Netherlands or anyone that just plain hates America can change the harsh realities of the situation. Beth, Dave, and Natalee deserve better than this, and so do the Aruban people.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

A Letter to Loverboy362

'Meri' writes:

Is this the handle of Joran van der Sloot? I have been told that in Holland, the term "Loverboy" refers to someone who procures girls or is a "pimp". I am not Dutch nor do I speak Dutch but I understand a little of it and I believe that the term is an accurate depiction of what the user of Loverboy362 means to convey.
Well, Loverboy362, I have some questions for you.
Have you procured girls for yourself, your friends or for the use of others? What do you do with these girls? Do any of them suddenly disappear never to be seen or heard from again? Do you leave them on a beach alone, possibly impaired and unable to care for themselves? Do you take them back to your nice little apartment for fun and games...or something more sinister?
You are willing to go on a television show and tell the entire world of your innocence but you didn't do that from the beginning, did you loverboy? You implicated two innocent men and made up a bunch of stories first so how are we supposed to believe you now?
Tell us the truth loverboy. Tell us what REALLY happened between you and that girl you supposedly left on the beach and who was never seen or heard from again.
Perhaps you can write a book about it or make it a movie of the week.....will you include the truth then?
You can run loverboy but you cannot hide and there are those of us out here who won't let you forget about that girl who disappeared and never was seen or heard from again. Believe me loverboy, that's a promise.
No amount of television interviews with your big puppy-dog eyes misting over will make us forget about that girl. No amount of tears on your part or words of supposed remorse for not being a gentleman will make us forget.
We are getting closer loverboy...oh so much closer to knowing what you won't be saying on ABC.
When we make an appearance on some national news show we will have the truth loverboy and you won't recognize it as anything that you have spoken on the record. But, you WILL recognize it for what it is...because you know the truth don't you loverboy?
It'll be a shame that we get to tell it before you ever will...but that's the way that you want to play out your hand and this is the path that you have chosen for yourself.
I'll call you and raise you one you want a hit or do you want to fold?
The choice is only yours for a little while longer so think it over carefully.

'Loverboy' sounds like a perfect prison nickname for Joran, doesn't it? It might be the only way he ever has any empathy for his past victims....

Edit: looks like Joran has another theme song- this one courtesy of my friend Richard in Vermont (to the tune of the Beatles, "A Little Help from my Friends":

Joran: What would you do if I let someone die,
would you speak up and turn against me?
Friends: Hell, no, we won't, even though you're a dope,
'cause who cares about poor Natalee?
(chorus) Oh, we get by with a little help from our friends....
Joran: I sing a different song every day ...
do you ever get tired of me?
Friends: Fool on the hill someday will take a spill,
but at least you're not buried at sea.
(chorus) Oh, we get by ....
Joran: You can be sure that my daddy knows best,
when he says "No body means no crime."
Friends: You and your daddy are one and the same,
just two way-overprivileged slime.
(chorus) Oh, we get by ....

Monday, February 13, 2006

More Tourist Destinations- USA style!

Here's some good tropical American destinations to visit instead of Aruba- you know, places where the money you spend goes into American pockets and you are assured an honest, transparent investigation with lots of oversight if 'something bad' happens to you. Incidentally, South Padre Island was also listed in MSNBC's Top 10 Spring Break 2006 Destinations.

Yes Walter, I AM still working on the boycott; neither you nor your government or ALE have succeeded in convincing me that they are the least bit honest or competent...


Florida (you save $131)

Florida Keys, Key West-

“Only in Key West would the sun shine brightest when it sets. Everyone gathers for the never planned, always varied Sunset Celebration on the Mallory Dock. Once the sun is safely tucked away by jugglers, mimes, musicians and street artists, the city moves to a different beat. A night beat. The streets, filled with sidewalk cafes, open-air bars, legendary pubs and world-class restaurants come alive. Gourmets and gourmands alike treat their palates to island specialties. Drama, musicals and comedy flourish on our stages. As you enjoy these sights, you'll discover that modern Key West is a warm-hearted place where all are welcome.

However you choose to see the town, you'll discover that old town Key West is one of America's true architectural and botanical treasures. On even the tiniest lanes, the locals have faithfully restored old wooden homes and adorned them with lush tropical trees and flowers. New restaurants and stores are popping up in the historic Bahama Village neighborhood, which was settled in the 19th Century by Bahamian immigrants. Hemingway loved coming here to mix with the hard-working locals at boxing matches and arm-wrestling contests.”

Lower Keys-

“If you’ve had enough of an overcrowded and weary world, the islands of the Lower Keys are the place for you. Here, you can snorkel or dive over the Looe Key coral reef, ride a bicycle through Key Deer country, or take a fishing adventure in the back country or troll the deep blue waters beyond the reef.

Tiny Little Duck Key, at mile marker 40 in the upper end of the Lower Keys, boasts Veterans Memorial Park. It’s sandy beaches, picnic areas, and pet-friendliness make it a perfect family stop along the famed Overseas Highway.

Just a mile down the road, at mile marker 39, is Ohio Key. It is home to Sunshine Key Camping Resort, which offers a pool, family restaurant and other amenities.

Nearby, you will find Bahia Honda State Park and Recreation Area at mile marker 37. With its white sandy beaches and abundant wildlife, Bahia Honda Key frequently makes the list of most beautiful beaches in America.

Big Pine Key, at mile marker 33, is the main shopping hub of the Lower Keys. Yet, if you prefer solitude, you need only turn onto one of its lovely side roads. Explore the National Key Deer Refuge, a large expanse of mostly undeveloped pine lands where the diminutive Key Deer live, or venture out to No Name Key. If you’re looking for an off-shore adventure, Big Pine is also the jumping off point for numerous snorkeling and dive charters to Looe Key reef.”


“Marathon, a quaint tropical city with a rich sea-faring history, boasts a modern airport, the impeccably well kept Sombrero Beach and some of the best fishing, diving, snorkeling and watersports anywhere in the world. Many marine activities are centered on Boot Key Harbor, a sheltered cove in the center of the island that is home to the City Marina. History buffs and eco-tourists will enjoy the Museums and Nature Center of Crane Point Hammock.

While most of the waters around Marathon are open to fishing, some areas have been set aside purely for eco-tourism and fish-viewing by divers and snorkelers. Sombrero Reef, one of the most beautiful sections of North America's only living coral barrier reef, lies just several miles offshore and is protected by the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary.

Marathon is rich in history. At the northeast end of town, you will find Crane Point Hammock, a 64-acre protected area of historic sites, wild flowers, tropical trees, walking trails, and museums. Another historic site is Pigeon Key, a tiny island that was home to those who built Flagler's railroad. It can be reached by walking a little more than a mile across the Old Seven Mile Bridge.


“Imagine two seas brimming with the world's most sought-after gamefish: Sailfish, tuna and dolphin in our Atlantic, and a grand slam shot at permit, tarpon, and bonefish in the backcountry waters of Florida Bay. Add to that a selection of some of the finest charter boat captains and backcountry guides around, and you're in Islamorada, Sport Fishing Capital of the World. An array of marine life inhabits the patch coral reef alongside our islands, making Islamorada a favorite also for divers. Landlubbers, on the other hand, may prefer viewing acrobatic dolphin and other deep sea stars at Windley Key's Theater of the Sea.

At Long Key State Recreation Area, campers can kick back or meander nature trails. Added trails are offered at Windley Key Quarry Fossil Reef State Geologic Site, where acres of fossilized coral and an environmental center are at-hand, and at Lignumvitae Key State Botanical Site-an island with the highest elevation in the Keys: a dizzying 18 feet.”

Key largo-

“Key Largo, the northernmost island of the Florida Keys island chain, lies only an hour’s drive from South Florida’s two major airports. Yet it is a world away

Key Largo is sandwiched between the watery wilderness of the Everglades National Park to the west and the fish-covered coral formations of North America’s only living coral barrier reef to the east.

Six miles offshore in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary you will find the wreck of the Spiegel Grove, a 510-foot Navy ship intentionally scuttled in June 2002 as the backbone for a new coral reef.

Locals consider their home the Diving Capital of the World but the island is nearly as famous as a sport-fishing destination. Some of the best charter captains and fishing guides in the world work out of Key Largo. You can go after sailfish offshore, bonefish along the Atlantic shallows, or redfish and tarpon in Florida Bay.

Key Largo’s proximity to the Everglades makes it a premier destination for kayakers, birders and other eco-tourists. All this beauty, not to mention the island’s rich history, has inspired a vibrant community of artists who show there work at several local galleries.”

The above courtesy of the Florida Keys Tourism Council:

South Florida (Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach)

(or visit for much more information)


“Glass-bottom boats, boats on air, mangrove creeks, and a unique River of Grass — these are not your typical attractions. But then again what is typical about Miami attractions?

From pastel-colored buildings to Old World-style villas, and authentic Indian villages to animal and botanical sanctuaries, our Miami attractions capture the imagination and stir the soul.

Greater Miami has miles and miles of beaches beckoning sun seekers, and nearby parks luring nature lovers to discover a fascinating variety of flora and fauna. In fact, Miami is the only place in the U.S. with two national parks. Everglades National Park is an untamed ecosystem unlike any other on earth, while Biscayne National Park is the only living tropical reef within the continental U.S.

As the moon makes its trek across the sky, Miami dance clubs and lounges open their doors to warm ocean breezes and the beautiful people who fill their dance floors and VIP rooms to capacity every night. Taking the cue, nighttime revelers put on their dancing shoes and begin to dance the night away — oftentimes to a Latin beat — at Miami dance clubs and dance parties. Search for Miami dance clubs by specific location.

Miami nightclubs offer a sizzling variety of music. In Downtown Miami, Miami's oldest bar serves up live jazz and blues bands in a smoky, bluesy atmosphere. In Little Havana, the air is filled with Afro-Cuban rhythms and rumba rap as well as a fusion of funk beats and Latin rhythms. Just west of the Bay area, Miami nightclubs spin Brazilian funk tunes and groove to "indie rock," electro-pop and classic new wave. Search for Miami nightclubs by specific location.

Miami art galleries and alternative spaces are fueled by an increasingly notable resident talent pool. Anyone seeking an overview of Miami's contemporary art scene won't want to miss the Miami art galleries surrounding the Museum of Contemporary Art (MoCa). Still more Miami art galleries that warrant attention are located within Miami's Design District and Coral Gables. Search for Miami art galleries by specific location.

It's actually possible to spend your entire vacation browsing through Greater Miami's museums. From contemporary to historical treasures, our cultural and art museums offer an overview of international art drawn from private collections and traveling exhibitions. Search for Miami museums by specific location.

The world has taken notice of the Miami theater scene, with preeminent performers seeking out the limelight. Three of the best-known venues are the Jackie Gleason Theater, Actor’s Playhouse and the Coconut Grove Playhouse, which present full seasons of Broadway musicals and theatre productions. Miami theater offerings also include experimental theater and Spanish-language plays. Search for Miami theater and arts by specific location.”

(The above courtesy of the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau at

Fort Lauderdale-

“Plunge into a culture as deep as the ocean which frames us. A culture characterized by Seminoles and Broadway shows. Tasty jazz and art festivals. And like the horizon here, the list goes on and on and on.

Just minutes from the beach is the Riverwalk Arts and Entertainment District in downtown Fort Lauderdale, home to cultural attractions, shops, parks and restaurants. Along Riverwalk, the brick-lined meandering promenade, discover the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, Museum of Discovery and Science with its Blockbuster 3D IMAX Theater, Florida Grand Opera, Old Fort Lauderdale, Stranahan House and the Museum of Art

There is no place better to experience the Everglades, explore a magical underwater world, study fossils, butterflies, or tropical flowers, or simply soak up the pleasures of parks and Blue Wave beaches than at the very center of South Florida's Gold Coast: Greater Fort Lauderdale.

Dining is an important part of the South Florida culture. With more than 3,500 restaurants ranging from intimate cafes to al fresco waterfront dining spots to quaint bistros, ethnic eateries and world renowned steakhouses. You'll find New Florida taste treats---seafood straight from the sea and field fresh fruits and vegetables. Take a look at our creative dining selections, pick one and enjoy a great meal. You will have about 87,660 meals in your lifetime! Don't waste any.”

(Just a small portion of the Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention and Visitors Bureau:

Palm Beach-

“Palm Beach County is an extraordinary destination offering business and leisure travelers the very best of everything. With over 47 miles of white sandy beaches and over 200 hotels and resorts from Jupiter to Boca Raton, our destination offers every conceivable amenity. Hotels, resorts, exotic seaside cottages, charming inns and cozy bed and breakfasts are available year-round.”

(The only way to appreciate Palm Beach or the official website of the Palm Beach County Convention and Visitors Bureau is to visit and browse through its extensive listing of Palm Beach attractions and events. This website makes it verye asy for visitors to plan their own vacation getaway)

Texas (you save $655)

Galveston Island-

“When first explored by Europeans, the island was an Akokisa Indian site. The Karankawa Indians used the island for hunting and fishing. Pirate Jean Laffite established a settlement in 1817. During the Texas Revolution the harbor served as the port for the Texas navy. Following the war, a group of investors obtained ownership of land at the harbor to found a town in 1838, and the following year the Texas legislature granted incorporation to the city of Galveston. Early years gave city many firsts in Texas: first Roman Catholic convent, first electric lights, and first medical college. Disastrous Galveston storm of 1900, the entire island was inundated during a hurricane, which claimed more than 6,000 lives. A seawall was built two years later, presently 10 miles long, it has proved its staying power several times over.”

Galveston's attractions include the Aquarium Pyramind and its sisters the Discovery Pyramid and Rainforest Pyramid (all part of Moody Gardens), the Grand 1894 Opera House, Galveston Island State Park, fishing piers and fishing charter services, sea tours, miles of Gulf beaches, the Strand Historical arts district, nightclubs, restaurants, and Galveston's greatest claim to fame: more historical homes, churches, museums, and historical tours than even downtown San Antonio! Galveston is also an hour drive away from Houston, Texas- the fourth largest city in the United States (if Galveston doesn't have it, Houston will)!

Corpus Christi and Port Aransas-

“Corpus Christi is a major deep-water port and one of Texas’ most popular seacoast playground cities. First European to have visited area is believed to have been Spanish explorer Alonzo de Piñeda in 1519. First settlement began as frontier trading post founded 1839 by impresario-colonizer Col. Henry Lawrence Kinney; obscure settlement until about 1845 when accelerated growth began. Institutions of higher learning are Del Mar College and Texas A&M—Corpus Christi.

Seawall, with steps to the water, was built in the late 1930s as part of a major landfill that created Shoreline Boulevard and the popular “T” head docks for pleasure boats. Corpus Christi Beach, north of downtown over the bridge, is the site of the USS Lexington and Texas State Aquarium, and offers park areas, picnic tables, showers, and rest rooms. For maps and current information on Corpus Christi attractions see Visitor Centers.

In keeping with the city’s image of having glistening waterways, Corpus Christi’s Water Garden at Bayfront Arts and Science Park sparkles for visitors who see, hear, and touch the garden’s water. Some 150 fountains form nucleus of park, which is lighted at night.”

Attractions include the Texas State Aquarium, a paddle wheel steamboat tour, Corpus Christi Botanical Gardens and Marine Center, Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History, Padre Island National Seashore (see below for South Padre Island, the Miami of Texas), the USS Lexington (now a floating museum of the War in the Pacific), and South Texas Institute of the Arts. A short drive north is Port Aransas, one of the cleanest, finest, white-sand beaches in Texas.

“On Mustang Island, reached by causeway and free, 24-hour ferry service; one of the most popular tourist destinations on Gulf Coast. English settler built ranch house on site 1855; later developed as fishing village. Summer visitors swell population by thousands. Hotels, motels, resorts, bait and tackle shops, superb open beaches, shrimp boat port, U.S. Coast Guard Station.

Port Aransas lies along the Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail which extends from Brownsville to Orange along the Texas coast. The trail is cosponsored by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and the Texas Department of Transportation.”

Attractions in Port Aransas include the Gulf Coast Birding Center, Mustang Island State Park, wade fishing, fishing peirs and jetties, and like all Texas coastal cities guided fishing and deep-sea fishing excursions, and of course miles of beaches that rival Miami or Fort Lauderdale! One of the state's best kept secrets for wildlife enthusiasts is Matagorda Island Wildlife Management Area just two hours drive north of Port Aransas- parts of the park are open to camping, but be warned that all campsites are primitive!

South Padre Island-

“Incorporated in 1973, small resort town is on southern tip of storied Padre Island just across Laguna Madre, the bay separating island from mainland. Access via free causeway on Texas 100. Visitors find wide range of accommodations from campgrounds and family motels to high-rise luxury hotels and condo rentals, marinas and seaside cottages. Restaurants feature fresh seafood harvested daily from the Gulf.

South Padre is known for its water sports, including jet skiing; bay, surf, and deep-sea fishing; parasailing, sailing, dolphin cruise, and windsurfing. Other island activities include bicycling, tennis, shelling, and horseback riding on the beach. The popular Laguna Madre Nature Trail for nature enthusiasts and bird-watchers is north of the city next to the convention center.

The South Padre Island Visitors Center provides detailed information about accommodations, activities and events related to boating, sailing, fishing, and seashore recreation. Open Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Sat., Sun. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. a half-mile north of the causeway at 600 Padre Blvd. Telephone 956/761-6433, or 1-800-SOPADRE (767-2373) U.S. and Canada.

South Padre Island is the closest thing to Miami or Fort Lauderdale as you can find in Texas. South Padre Island is less than a two hours drive from Matamoros, Mexico and Corpus Christi, but it is best-known as a premiere Spring Break destination and year-round tropical playground, with an average temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit- the same as Hawaii, Puerto Rico, St. Kitts and Nevis, or ... Aruba.

(The above courtesy of except for my own additions in italics)

Southern California (you save $347)

San Diego-

Relax, soak in San Diego. Let your surroundings dictate a new appreciation for all the good things San Diego has to offer. From thrilling ocean adventures to chilled-out siestas under the shadow of a palm tree, your San Diego vacation will teach you a new way of life - full of fun, relaxation and beauty.

San Diego has a world-class international known performing arts community offering a broad mix of performances by small, progressive and experimental theatres, music and dance companies to internationally known regional theatres, San Diego Opera and the San Diego Symphony. San Diego is the only city to boast two Tony Award(R)-winning theatres, the Globe Theatres in Balboa Park and the La Jolla Playhouse on the UCSD campus. The San Diego Performing Arts League produces "What's Playing On Stage in San Diego," a bimonthly guide to over 130 of the San Diego Performing Arts League's members. For more information, call 619-238-0700 or log on to

The beach is more than a boundary dividing land from sea, more than a place to swim or sunbathe. In San Diego, the beach is a way of life, a source of pride and joy, a defining influence in people's lives. For some, the mere memory of a mid-summer sunset melting into the Pacific is reward enough. Others have a more intimate relationship with the sea: surfing and sailing, biking and running, swimming and diving along San Diego's many coastal beaches and bays. Whether you're a first-time visitor or life-long resident, The San Diego Convention & Visitors Bureau encourages you to enjoy the beach and hopes the information provided here will help you to make the most of your stay.”

(The above quoted from the San Diego Convention and Visitors Bureau website at . Just like the Palm Beach County Convention and Visitors Bureau website, the San Diego website invites visitors to explore at their own pace through an impressive listing of attractions, events, dining, and lodging opportunities. Perhaps the best thing about Sa Diego is it is within 100 miles of Palm Springs, Los Angeles, and within 50 miles of Tijuana, Mexico).

Hawaii (you save up to $514)

The Big Island-

“Hawaii’s Big Island is a big ohana, and that means family, whether it’s a traditional mom & dad and kids, blended, extended, multi generational family reunion or a group of old friends. The Big Island ohana embraces groups of people traveling together, of different ages, with different interests and tastes. And there’s an adventure waiting for anyone with a sense of play and imagination.

In one day, a family can experience the desertlike lava plains along the Kona coast and the rainiest city in America, Hilo. Go from sea level to the world’s tallest mountain, Mauna Kea (13,796 when measured from sea level, 33,500 from the ocean floor), cruise through green rainforest or black lava rock. Watch whales, swim with dolphins, whisper to horses or listen to rare birdsong, sleep in the hotel industry’s best, or camp out in seldom-seen places.

The West, or Kona, Side of the island is dry and sunny -- a nexus of activity with deep-sea fishing, quaint shops and restaurants, snorkeling, SCUBA diving, submarine underwater tours, hikes through thick rainforests, horseback riding ... If you're a high activity type, the West Side is the place for you.

The Kohala Coast is Hawaii 's Golf Mecca with world-class golf courses. Just getting there is a visual adventure as you drive through vast, dramatic lava fields. If your eyes are really sharp, you might be able to spot the Kona Nightingales (donkeys) which blend into the landscape. Upcountry, the scenery changes dramatically. Waimea is home to Parker Ranch where fluorescent green pastures give way to lush valleys and a host of vibrant natural greens.

On the East Side, Waipio Valley is filled with brilliant flowers and breathtaking waterfalls. Tiny towns and highways built on old railroad trestle bridges recall the sugar plantation heritage of the Hamakua Coast. And the island's "must-see" is Kilauea, the earth's most active volcano.

It’s easy to immerse yourself in the culture of Hawaii's Big Island. Try dancing the hula and taking part in an authentic luau (feast). Head upcountry and discover the uniquely blended Hawaiian, Portuguese, and Mexican cultures - still alive and well among Hawaiian paniolo (cowboys) on the island’s giant ranches. Visit historical Kealakekua Bay where Captain James Cook dramatically lost his life in 1779. And don’t miss Puukohola Heiau. This sacred spot was built in 1790 by King Kamehameha as an offering to the gods, where he asked for success in his campaign to unite the Hawaiian Islands.”


“With white sand beaches and crystal clear waters, Maui is ideal for sunbathing, snorkeling and snoozing! But once you’ve gotten enough sun, Maui’s also a great place for shopping and sightseeing. The old whaling town of Lahaina is home to many quaint shops and eclectic art galleries. On the opposite side of the island, the long road to Hana will lead you to the waterfall fed pools at Oheo Gulch, a perfect place to stretch your legs and take in the view. After touring the island, you may need to unwind in Wailea with a pampering spa treatment. It’s no wonder visitors return here year after year.

While famous around the world as an unforgettable honeymoon destination, Maui also offers an abundance of family-friendly attractions too. Take a trek through a bamboo forest and scout for rare tropical birds. Spend each day on a different beach. Hike down an ancient path, or straight up a volcano. Take a road trip to the other side of the island, or take a glass-bottom boat ride to a whole new world. And be sure to check out the wonderful Maui Ocean Center, featuring a 750,000-gallon, open-ocean tank with a walk-through acrylic tube.
Several of the larger resort hotels provide supervised activity programs for young guests, giving them a unique opportunity to experience Hawaii’s culture. And many hotels and resorts offer special family rates that often include free accommodations and meals for children under twelve.

From the timeless grandeur of Haleakala Crater to the historic charm of 19th Century Lahaina, Maui offers a wealth of historic and cultural attractions that will captivate your imagination and reveal the extraordinary traditions of this magical isle. The town of Lahaina is in fact a National Historic District, with timeless charm and a variety of important historic sites that take one back to the days when the town served as an important whaling port. History buffs will also find that the Lahaina-Kaanapali and Pacific Railroads provide an unforgettable journey into the area’s romantic plantation past. No matter where you travel on Maui you are sure to find points of historic and cultural significance.”


“With Waikiki as a central hub, you can explore the legendary North Shore of Oahu one day, and spend the next day on the east side snorkeling at Hanauma Bay, a protected marine sanctuary with tons of colorful fish. It’s clear that Oahu offers just the right amount of diversity for the adventurous as well as the cautious visitor. Thrill seekers can skydive at Mokuleia while daydreamers can relax peacefully on the beach. Exquisite dining and exciting nightlife also entice people to Oahu again and again.

In Hawaii, it’s evident that caring for keiki (children) is very important. On Oahu, there are a variety of exciting activities designed specifically with kids and families in mind. Take a submarine ride and witness sunken ships, airliners and reef structures. Ride the thrilling waterslides at Hawaiian Waters Adventure Park. Get up close and personal with dolphins, sea turtles, stingrays, sharks, and moray eels at Sea Life Park. Spend the day at the Honolulu Zoo or Waikiki Aquarium and see animal and marine life like you’ve never seen anywhere else. Or explore 4,000-acres of fun at Kualoa Ranch by horse, ATV, helicopter, jet ski or kayak.
There are also plenty of other educational and cultural excursions for kids and families year-round, including nature walks, hikes, wildlife feedings, fishing, catamaran sails and more. Many hotels and condominiums also offer programs for kids that include activities such as lei and kite making, lauhala weaving, and sandcastle building. This is one family vacation where boredom is never a problem!

The lure of adventure is strong, and nowhere in the world does it find greater expression than here in the Hawaiian Islands. Is hang-gliding your thing? Do you long to leap from the heights at Makapuu, and soaring high above the beach, make lazy circles for an afternoon? Perhaps you'd like the heart-pounding intensity of the big winter surf at Waimea. The beaches here offer far more than sunbathing and people watching. They’re ideal for all kinds of water sports including swimming, surfing, windsurfing, boogie boarding, snorkeling and fishing. Whether you’re looking for high adventure on the waves, a romantic spot to watch the sunset, or a protected swimming area for the kids, it’s sure to be nearby.

Oahu’s rich cultural heritage may be something you seek out, but you’ll most certainly find it without even trying. There are several ways to soak up Oahu’s colorful history. Museums, temples, cultural centers and festivals just to name a few. Historical artifacts can be found at both the Bishop Museum and Iolani Palace, home to the last reining monarch, Queen Liliuokalani. Take in turn-of-the-century architecture with a stroll through Chinatown, or ride the trolley through Waikiki and you’ll see historical hotels such as the Sheraton Moana Surfrider and the Royal Hawaiian Hotel made famous in the early 1900’s. “

(The above information thanks to Hawaai's Official Tourism website at )

Destination Pricing

Based on an lowest-price average for a seven-day, six-night stay at each of the above destinations including round-trip airfare and lodging. All airline prices are per adult, departure and arrival times unspecified, for prices 30 days in advance in coach. Prices quoted depart from St. Louis, Missouri except for Hawaii destinations which depart from Los Angeles, California. Lodging represents the lowest-cost average per adult in hotels with a three-star rating.Note that in all cases every possibility to find the lowest possible ticket (flexible dates, anytime arrival and departure times, etc) was utilized.

All pricing courtesy of,, and

Miami / Fort Lauderdale / the Florida Keys

Average cost: 243+1242=$1485 (8% less than Aruba)

Galveston / Port Aransas / Corpus Christi / Padre Island, Texas

Average cost: 233+728=$961 (40% less than Aruba)

Palm Springs / Los Angeles / San Diego, California

Average cost: 261+1008=$1269 (21% less than Aruba)

Honolulu, Hawaii

Average cost: 402+700=$1102 (32% less than Aruba)

Note that if flying from St. Louis, airfare doubles and total cost becomes $1504- still 7% less than the same vacation in Aruba (at least $112 savings)!

Florida Association of Convention and Visitors Bureaus:

Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention and Visitors Bureau:

Monroe County Tourist Development Council

Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau:

Palm Beach County Convention and Visitors Bureau:

Texas Travel (State of Texas Travel and Tourism):

South Padre Island Convention and Visitors Bureau:

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department:

San Diego Convention and Visitors Bureau:

Hawaii Official Toursim Website:

Hawaii Tourism Authority:

And here's a last-minute addition:

Alabama has some Gulf coast, too...

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Translated into English, that roughly means, "Poor baby". I am referring to the van der Sloot parents' (using the term 'parent' loosely) performance on Good Morning America this past week. Tom over at makes some good points when he says:

1. Aruba can't blame Beth and Dave and Greta and Nancy for keeping the investigation in the public eye now, can it? By the way, Paulus, how much did GMA pay you to appear? Was it enough to pay a lawyer, or a gambling debt?

2. Paulus, you're a liar and we've caught you in a lie more than once. You claimed on GMA that you never interfered with the investigation? Well...perhaps GMA forgot what Karin Janssen said about you:

"Well, the father has spoken with those three suspects and he said he gave them some legal advice but I think the advices were going further than that. They spoke about the situation that when there is no body, you don‘t have a case, and that was already in the first day after the disappearance. And secondly, the father and the mother have asked a friend of Joran, the suspect—the minor suspect, to come to their home to tell them what he has explained to the police. And that is, well, I can say was an obstruction of the investigation."

Here's another lie we caught you in, Paulus. Did you pick up Joran at McDonald's at 11:30 or 4 am? Poor, demonized Paulus...he has a 4 and a half hour memory lapse and everyone accuses him of lying...poor, honest, hardworking Paulus. Pobrecito.

3. Beth did a lot of damage to your family? What have you and your ill-begotten sociopath of a son done to her and Dave? Do you think that claiming that you are innocent of obstrucion of justice and maybe more, that claiming Joran is innocent of murder or rape will make Americans think this is true? Aruba doesn't realize that claiming their police are competent and honest again and again ad nauseum won't sway our opinions, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised you think the same way. The burden of proof in Dutch law might be heavy on the prosectution, but if people try and convict you and Joran in their own minds, well you can't do anything about that...anything but whore yourselves out to the media to pay Posner back I suppose. Or tell the truth once and for all. Such a hard decision to make for people like you...pobrecito.

4. Joran is not the same boy? Do you mean he knows now that if you hang around with lions you'll get bitten? Or do you mean that he knows enough now to be much more careful with his next victim? Poor innocent Joran...pobrecito.

5. GMA forgot to mention that innocent, trusting Joran changed his story at least three times; the first story was Natalee fell and hit her head on the rocks. Paulus coached him and the Kalpoes on what to say. Now if Joran is innocent of any wrongdoing, why did he lie? If what he said about that accident was truth, why did he lie about it? Accidents happen, after all...but nobody accidentally kidnaps, rapes, or murders anyone. Those who have nothing to hide have nothing to why was Paulus sweating a river when Beth came to call?
Obviously, this family is as saintly as they sad that Paulus is called a liar, Joran is called a murderer, and Anita is called just plain clueless. Pobrecito.

6. And now the gallant, brave, and persecuted van der Sloots reach out to Beth, saying "I think that when she wants to talk, we will talk. But, of course, she has to explain something. I think she has done a lot of damage to Joran and our family." Do you have any idea how nauseating that comment makes Americans? Of course not, because you and Joran never did anything wrong...never your fault, always someone else's fault...a classic sign of sociopathic behavior, incidentally. Tell you what, Paulus: if you're so upset at Beth for this, why not settle this in civil court? Oh but wait, you can't because Aruba has no way to force Beth to come to the trial or even honor a settlement in Aruba. And if you come to the U.S. to file a binding lawsuit, then you and Joran will have to answer some pretty tough questions under the U.S., where lying to the police is lying to the police, no excuses. So I guess your family has no choice but to endure this horrible, unfair slander huh? Pobrecito.

7. Paulus, did you forget what you told Dave when he gave you the Bible and Purpose Driven Life? Wasn't it something like, "I'm sorry but I have to protect my son"? Protect him from what- owning up to his own actions, falling prey to people much more powerful and dangerous than a failed judge and his son, or protect him from an evil police force that wanted only to nail a prison sentence on him due to their 'tunnel vision' for a crime he didn't commit? Pobrecito!

8. I've been told that Aruba is actually beginning to support this poor, ostracized, persecuted family of do-gooders. Good for Aruba...the closer they get to the van der Sloots and Kalpoes the further they drive Americans away from their safe, happy island. One would hope that for once the Aruban people would make the right choice when they choose sides...but given they chose to support a flawed investigative system that allows people to lie to police, has no oversight or accountability, and has no plea bargaining, they choose to support a government run by a Prime Minister who thinks Natalee's disappearance is 'insignificant' and is 'sick and tired' of this debacle, and they chose to support a tourism association that hires moron after moron to say exactly the wrong things...well, Arubans have a bad track record of choosing the right side. Do not worry about the mote in America's eye, Aruba...look to the beam in your own eye first. Pobrecitos.

Needless to say, the letters of protest for allowing these people on TV without even allowing Beth and Dave equal time for rebuttal are pouring into Good Morning America already. Mine is floating around cyberspace right now, in fact. But every one of GMA's sponsors that my partner 'Monroe' could find are also getting that same letter.

Ben Sherwood, producer of Good Morning America

Good Morning America: or their message board at

And here's the most notable of GMA's sponsors. I'm sure they would love to hear from us as well, both the many many Americans that compose the majority of not all of their customers and Arubans who most likely do not contribute nearly as much to their profits:

Hallmark Cards
(click on the link)

Kellogg's cereals

Walt Disney World

Bassett Furniture

Sylvan Learning Center (corporate website)

American Express
(click the 'Contact Us' link near the Search feature)


State Farm Insurance

Kay Jewelers
(click the 'Customer Service' link, then 'contact customer service')

Campbell's Soup

Ford Motor Co. (Ford Lincoln Mercury) (note that Mercury was the actual brand advertised but Ford is Mercury's parent company),,TRAVELOCITY,00.html

Outback Steakhouse

No I am not advocating a boycott of these good non-Aruban, non-Dutch companies. But by all means do let them know how we feel about the program they choose to give their advertising money to giving the van der Sloots airtime without equal airtime for Beth and Dave!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

New from Economic Ruin records

Get your, 'Natalee Holloway Investigation: When the Lies Crumble' soundtrack now at Economic Ruin records! This music CD is unique because it features already released songs presented in a new format: theme music for each of the people involved in this travesty of justice, selected to illustrate their role in this economic and diplomatic nightmare! Take a look at all the quality music featured on this two CD set:

Disc One-
Oduber and the MEP: Master of Puppets - Metallica
ALE: Sabotage - Beastie Boys
Joran van der Sloot: Behind Blue Eyes - The Who
(and who can forget these haunting words, written just for Joran it seems: no one knows what it's like to be hated, to be fated to telling only lies)
Paulus van der Sloot: Sympathy for the Devil - Rolling Stones
Anita van der Sloot: Thick as a Brick - Jethro Tull
Deepak and Satish Kalpoe: Loser - Beck
Nadira Kalpoe Ramirez: Sweet Little Lies - Stevie Nicks
Joran's other friends (Koen, Freddy, Max, and Jaime): Creep - Radiohead
Lorenzo van der Sloot van Rijn: Mr. Brownstone - Guns 'n' Roses
Karin Janssen: Cold as Ice- Foriegner
Gerold Dompig: I Pagliacci (the Sad Clown) - Leoncavallo
Michael Posner: Gangster Walk - Three Six Mafia

Disc Two-
Steve Cohen: Same Old Song and Dance - Aerosmith
Dennis Jacobs: Money Talks - AC/DC
Arlene Schiffer: Maneater - Hall and Oates
ATA and AHATA: Its No Good - Depeche Mode
(Don't say you want me, don't say you need me, don't say you love's understood. Don't say you're happy out there without me. I know you can't be, 'cause it's no good) Makes a lot of sense if sang from American tourists to the ATA / AHATA, doesn't it?
Steve Croes: Dirty Deeds (Done Dirt Cheap) - AC/DC
Jossy Mansur: Madman Across the Water - Elton John
Beth Twitty and Dave Holloway: Onward, Christian Soldiers - as performed by Jars of Clay
Natalee Holloway: Natalee's Song - Erica Harvey
The Americans: Whiskey for My Men, Beer for my Horses - Willie Nelson and Toby Keith
(Justice is the one thing you should always find; you got to saddle up your boys, you got to draw a hard line)
Joe Mammana: Total Revenge - Say Anything
The Aruban People: This One's Gonna Hurt You (for a Long Time) - Travis Tritt
The FBI: Bring Da Pain - Method Man
The Kingdom of the Netherlands: Ship of Fools - Robert Plant

Buy yours today and don't forget that Aruba is the most expensive tourist destination in the Caribbean, paisanos!