I've been compiling all kinds of juicy stuff about Aruba for awhile now in preperation for the boycott. Things like governmental recalls due to a corruption expose in the 1980s, many reports of drug tafficking and seizures in Aruba (and a police complaint about how woefully understaffed Aruban law enforcement is), Dutch concerns that Aruba would become a banana republic in time, and crime reports you don't see in the U.S.
Aruba might be able to lie, make false promises, shift the blame, and slander the victim and her family (incidentally, slandering the victim of a crime is a common tactic that criminals use when confronted with the crime they committed- Taylor Biehl's murderer did just that). But one thing Aruba can't do is hide the truth or hide their past.
I hold a degree in recreation and tourism, and I am happy to announce that I stand ready to advise Beth and Dave on how to make the boycott work the best. I have years of experience under my belt building tourism industries; I can sure help tear one down too.
Burn, Aruba, burn...or find Natalee. Your choice.
Now as for posting on my blog, here are the ground rules:
1. If you want to be devil's advocate (quite appropriate for Aruba), go ahead. If you want to even defend Aruba, by all means do. Just be polite and try to be intelligent- I won't slam you for spelling 'semantics' wrong, but complete sentences and well-articulated thoughts are a plus. Just be warned, if you're pro-Aruba anything you post I can and will use against Aruba if possible! To me, this is war- not because of what happened to Natalee but because the Aruban government has no interest in solving this case and has shown only empty, token sympathy and consideration for Natalee's family- and only when it suits their interests.
2. Anything outright slanderous, cruel, or hateful toward Natalee, her family (Holloways and Twittys), or anyone who has helped this family (Tim Miller, Joe Mammana, etc) will be deleted as soon as I see it. If you want to slam these people, you might be more at home on Joran's blog or that other Dan's website.
3. Respect other bloggers. Any post made against another blogger (or myself) that I feel is hateful or slanderous will come down as soon as I see it.
4. Feel free to post anything you think might help solve this case, comfort Natalee's family, or help the boycott effort or help apply pressure for a competent, impartial, and transparent investigation- post it here! Constructive efforts are always welcome- even if they are pro-Aruba. I especially welcome and encourage prayers and letters of support for Natalee and her folks.
5. If you want to post prayers or letters of support, go here: http://home.comcast.net/~lls-fm1/nhprayers.htm
or here:
If you want to send me something: